I OWE.....Before I launch into why I love going to the bank I owe you the following images ...my too pink Michelle Obama shirt, my purple gye nyame which made me feel like a "crayola god"...I couldn't get that pink shirt in a picture...There is also a conspiracy a "foot" that I wanted to share. It is a conspiracy that only mothers (or whomever buys shoes for the kids and pays attention) I think will understand. I mentioned in my last blog that I bought Ali new shoes from Target for which I was very proud. I always want my child to look like his mother has good sense.
Anyway I find that every time I buy shoes that fit perfectly he grows out of them ASAP like within a month. I find however if I buy shoes half size to big (THE ONLY OTHER OPTION), he never grows into them before they get worn down and it is time for a new pair. Let me know if that happens to you.
The Lincoln Stuff....this is more stuff I owe....FYI...Lincoln did not free very many slaves...Okay so when the Emancipation Proclamation was handed down to the Union....slavery was already over...it had been abolished....the slaves he would've been freeing were already free...Viriginia and Delaware the 2 northmost southern states were not mandated to comply as Lincoln did not want those 2 states to secede, as well...the Southern States had already seceded ...for a moment in time ...Lincoln was not their president, the Emancipation Proclamation was a federal mandate that did not apply to them as they were all state run and not part of the Union...they had their own crazy laws addressing slavery
The Real Reason I started this blog, and posted a week later ...
Finally....why I love going to the bank....it has nothing to do with the money or that fact that my bank has not bought anybody or been bought...it is the conversations I have with the tellers one of whom is a student I taught, another who aspires to be an actress and is actually going to school (in LA what a concept) and just overall nice folks. Last Wednesday when I walked in I saw tellers whom I'd never seen before. One in particular was a Latino gentleman. He become my teller and waved me over. I was depositing the latest pittance document that the state weekly confuses with something called child support. They even type those words on the check to make me think that's what it is....
I slid my check and deposit slip through the glass and with slight pause but little hesitation my 1st time teller says "this is all you get". Now I am certain all tellers are forced to read what is on checks because they have to key the figures into the computer, but I am sure somewhere in the code of conduct manual it explains that they cannot converse with customers about their economic plight.
I was so tickled and thought "the pretense was over". We quickly launched into the madness that I endured on my court date back in July when the court officer explained to me that Ali's father had worked out a $20 per month payment agreement on the past due child support he owes me and the state. The candidates have been talking hatchets and scalpels and this fool is trying to catch a waterfall with children's motrin medicine cup. Our conversation ended with him telling me, "you are a strong woman and you don't need this anyway." (I get the compliment...but we will always take the money...whatever it is ....it spends)
What a lift!!!!! Marketing and Promotions
Y'all Know I gotta pay bills and for these airline tickets for me and Ali's trips to Tuskegee's Homecoming and to the Inauguration in January
Anybody who reads this blog....please check out my radio show Change Is Now....live or archive or search"djdannak" at iTuneswww.blogtalkradio.com/djdannak10/18 Financial Manager and Guru George Thompson
10/25 Alabama Senator Bobby Singleton
11/1 Drs Yolanda Pierce and Melissa Harris Lacewell (check out their Kitchen Table Blog at www.princetonprofs.blogspot.com)
all love
Danna "that one" Kiel