Wednesday, December 3, 2008

There is a Blog God ....Passion v Profession


I was trying to post that player in a sidebar not in the body of the blog. "Gigya" said it would be a sidebar, but it wasn't.

I have had lots to share, but not enough focus to sit and share. Time is always a problem, but I am going to change the way i look at it. If I ever do meet mother or father time, we are going to have a talk about why they are soooooooooo unforgiving.

I will say this...

Yesterday when I dropped my son off late for school, the crossing guard who was getting in her car to leave was still around. I talk about her on Facebook because I believe God's Abiding Love rest with her. It is therefore critical for me to see her every day and get the hug and the "I Love You Darlin' " that my beloved mother and grandmothers are no longer here to provide.

Shortly after connecting with her I saw a former student from teaching Adult School at Crenshaw High School. I asked him what he was up to these days. Despite my urgings for him to get it together, he did not demonstrate promise. He is now studying some entry form of Nursing in the Vocational Curriculum of another Adult School. I admonished him to get to college and try 4 year college nursing school. I think greatness is in all of my students and I push, poke and prod them hoping they will rise to the occasion or at least give it some thought...

He knew my name, but I could not remember his. I hate that about teaching and aging. I feel like a Rockstar in the moment because I see students everywhere (grocery store, traffic and Target) and they yell at me and chat me down and I cannot always remember their names. They know mine which is what makes me feel like a rockstar, but after not interacting for a year and despite the love in my heart for these young people I just can't remember all of their names.

The rockstar thing is great because I deal with some profound self worth issues and between running into students and breaking bread with "Mama Crossing Guard" I am lifted just enough to make it to work where I begin dealing with another round of self worth concerns. I believe I hold onto these self worth issues because I am a Swan who has to have a song whether it is blues, jazz or uptempo R&B.

I am a full time teacher who loves instructing mathematics, but have no love for classroom management which sadly is more critical than instruction. That said everyday that I go to work I'd simply rather do something else. I'd rather sell T-Shirts at the corner of Crenshaw and Slauson (or Crenshaw and 57th), because up to and since November 4th it has been big business. I believe I am suffering some post election world don't-have-to-campaign-no-more blues. I am now forced to deal with my own realities, lesson plans and grading papers.

I recently read Shavar Ross' blog about being a Jack of all trades and master of none. It hit so close to home that I still have a black eye. I actually saw this fate coming while I was in college, but felt powerless to stop it. I am blessed for the folks around me who love me, listen, console and admonish me out of LOVE and support for my crafts, but also out of the belief that I will "get it together". (Shout out to Leslie Boissiere)

I am just not sure that I can get it together. Does anybody else have this problem? I have the determination, but the will falls short. I gmail chatted with Shavar about this blog because we both aspire to write, produce and direct films. He however after a life in front of the camera as a wonderful actor Shavar has decided to go back and get his BS or BA.

I have a BS, but would like an MFA or an MA. I am as Leslie knows torn between the life that it takes to raise a son alone, the time, the money and the resources to go to Graduate school. I had taken it off the table, but rolling admissions and the desire to remain gainfully employed at the current establishment have put it back on the table. It has returned because the MA that is tied to Profession impacts the very near future (next school year).

The MFA which is tied to Passion requires one that I get accepted to a desired school. Acceptance requires a competitive GRE score, a competitive undergraduate GPA and a compelling story. I have the compelling story and one out of three did not work with a school I won't name here. I however press. I believe a real GRE prep course and work on the compelling story could would put me on the right track. I am headed for that track.

The tug of war between Passion and Profession rages on. I am sure many deal with it daily. I just find it often renders me fearful and immobile. As I have said I would daily rather be doing something else. Something besides catching up lesson plans and feeling bad for not connecting with the process of inputting grades. I would rather be doing something else than driving over here to work after I drop off my son.

I would rather be writing, reading (books and other blogs), coordinating the event of life, booking guests for my radio show, blogging or updating my status on Facebook, Twitter or Myspace and learning songs on the piano to help my son learn them. I learn them and then challenge him to piano duels to keep him encouraged (I love it because it works).

Responsibility however demands that Profession be my priority so that life goes on. Passion however invigorates my spirit. An invigorated spirit has to be lighter than the burensome spirit I feel like I am doomed to carry until I figure this all out and "get it together".

As a 40 year old "Jane of All Trades" what will I do about this....they say that if there is enough FORCE, there will eventually be movement so I am pushing, praying and doing whatever it takes to keep whatever this is moving. I am also summoning the strong but quiet internal forces of strength, courage, patience and wisdom to be my guides for the external forces that will bring about movement toward the passion of what I believe is my calling....

Profession has Passion on the ropes for now, but stay tuned for Passion's next move...


The eggs have not hatched so we don't yet have baby birds. I am tired of taking care of the birds and the turtle. My son got a pass because he was sick during the break, but he's on punishment with no TV (I am really trying to wean him off so much of it) so he will be stepping up the care of his pets.

Check out my trades...

and radio


Boissiere said...

...ahh, what a familiar sentiment! The "Jane-of-all-trades" in MBA-speak is called a "Generalist", the term of endearment that my husband uses to remind me that I know a little about a lot, but am an expert at nothing! I think those of us who had kids before reaching our career pinnacle (Partner in a consulting or law firm, etc.) -- or even discerning what that pinnacle was -- struggle with this notion. Keep pushing and let your inner voice (in Christian terms, the Holy Spirit) guide you.

I leave you with a quote, a preview from my next blog: "...a human being with a settled purpose must accomplish it, and nothing can resist a will that will stake even existence for its fulfillment."

What do you want to do with your life? Figure that out, COMMIT yourself to that single purpose, and the rest will come.

Unknown said...

thanks for the love Boissiere ...the quote shook me to my core...or maybe the I felt the earth move...



Hello there!

I am so happy to have found your blog! I have a lot of reading to do to catch up on all of the work you are doing!

Please feel welcome to drop by my place and share your musings whenever you'd like!

Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!

Sand said...


LOVED your post. I'm so there right now, too. (well, i don't know about the selling t-shirts part; i could never sell a thing!) I spent all those years writing- first as a journalist, then during my MFA. Love teaching, working with young people, but would prefer to do it part time, smaller settings. Coaching writing while working on my own writing and mothering my dear son. I hate being away from him so much! Looking toward the future, though, as you are. You have my complete support. We will find that place of balance and joy, creativie bliss. love, cassandra

Jerrilyn said...

I just started a new blog and found you as a fellow filmmaker/educator. I teach media/filmmaking at Taft in the Valley. Tonight I've been reading/watching videos about how education needs to change, especially how we have to encourage and nurture creativity in our classroom. Have you ever considered making very short films that you could use to teach math? or having students create slide shows that take math into the world (telling a story through stills)? I haven't looked at all you've done, yet, so I hope I'm not being presumptuous---I just think that the more teachers who bring media into core classes the better our students will be, and your passion and profession really could be combined (?)
Jerrilyn Jacobs

Sylvi B said...

Danna Please Please PLEASE keep writing and keep your passion alive. It is a gift. Recently a wise man told me that the work is already done. When God gave you the talent, the drive, the passion the work was already complete. Get still and listen for that small voice inside of you. It will direct you and lead you to all that you dream of for yourself, your son, your people, Me :-). You are such and inspiration and your passion knows no boundaries. Keep believing that the passion in you will yeild all that your current profession can yeild and so much more. I am unable to give you a date and a time when you will have your breakthrough. But Danna I can tell you that it's on it's way. You are the reason I am writing today. Your passion is infectious. Please keep being and believing and asking God for guidance daily. He will order your steps and your passions will become your profession and will surely yeild fruits for generations to come. I Love You.

Unknown said...

Cal....muah (I am told that is a kiss)...its getting hectic for me in so many ways and I am inspired by your faith and trust in GOD so I am by your lead going to keep believing (and as my pastor said on Sunday) and keep singing and rejoicing on my way out...he said anybody can rejoice once you get out ....."but I dare you ..." you know the made my day I LOVE YOU TOO