Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fences and Progress

Jesus Be A Fence !

I am daily amazed and captivated by progress and technology. I am also admittedly a "little" addicted to Facebook. Djdannak's the name...social networking is oft times my game...

This evening as I was attempting to teach a sister in blogging something new, I learned new tricks myself. I was amazed to find out that I could email pictures and other media to my blogspot blog for immediate publishing. To the credit of a lot of networking sites I am on they all give you an address for sending stuff to the site, but I hadn't processed what that meant until tonight.

Oh you mean ....

I have in essence found a new way to share. I am not sure if another way to connect and communicate with my community is actually necessary, but it satisfies what at times feels like the insatiable itch to reach out, touch and talk to my peoples...

I am honestly very excited and giddy even about this avenue to share because it is emailing. I love emailing. I always have. I don't know about anyone else, but emailing makes up for all the snail mail I wrote (and intended to write) that I never got to the mailbox to send. It also makes up for letters that I looked for that didn't come...I can dish procrastination, but I can't always take it...

I still nonethelesslove letter writing. There is a groove and comfort in writing letters. Letter writing opens a space of liberation and safety that springs directly from the heart.

Letter writing whether public or private; personal or political connects the heart to the page (paper or web). It also sharpens my writing axe. From a place of passion I feel free to say whatever it takes to get my point across to a lover, friend or colleague.

At this place of freedom lies the axis of progress and technology
where inspiration roams free and creativity is born...daily

God's Best

PS:I am also sharing evidence of my turnaround trip to NYC to see Viola and Denzel in "Fences" and this is also to explain the lone picture of the amazing "Fences" marquis...check out me and my friend, Mickey too

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