Sunday, May 1, 2011

554 Days to Re-elect Barack Obama (5-2-11)

I posted ...Saturday to Facebook

there are 556 days before we re elect President Obama what will you do to ensure victory !

I got much vigorous debate about re-electing our beloved POTUS when I posted this...but as a bullheaded blogger I felt my comments were more than fair and yes I got some push back on whether to "ensure victory" let alone how...thanks Darren, Demetria, Terrance, Sunae, Jahlee and Ruby for your supporting the countdown....thank you Tim for a discourse that made me ...well...stronger !

Tim said...
What is he doing to get my vote? Being cool and looking like me may get your hang card punched but not a vote. But that's just me.

Terrance said...
 Tim, As you see this man has been vetted, vilified, and disrespected more than any other President in the history of this country. Nobody asked for Bush's "papers" and he never released his "college" transcripts. If we give Obama another term I guarantee you he will drop the trade embargo with Cuba, appoint a Black Surpreme Court Judge and tell everybody on the right to kiss his Black Ass. 

Tim then said..  
Terrence, why hasn't he done those things so far, he had an appointment to the SCOTUS and didn't choose a black person, I'm not sure what dropping the trade embargo with Cuba will do for us as a country and telling everyone to kiss his bl...ack ass probably isn't what politics is all about. What I'm saying is this, the folks on the right will vote for any and everyone that says what they want to hear but then, as folks on the right are seeing now, once they get into office they don't do the requsite follow up.

Personally, I don't see anyone on the right that is any serious competition for the office right now but still, to give your vote away without critically examining the politician is the same as throwing your vote away. After the Dems lost power due to the southern strategy and courted the "black vote" black folks have been in the pocket of the left, to the point that they don't even have to work for your vote. We voted this current president in on a promise of things changing in Washington, things haven't changed there isn't any more transparency in government than there was pre '08, Gitmo is still open, troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan, these are some of the big issues that we were told would be handled. Do I think that President Obama had a magic wand that he would wave and all those things would be taken care of, no but it was still a bill of goods that he, probably, knew that he couldn't deliver on but pretty much figured out that after the votes were cast most folks wouldn't keep their eye on the process. This is pretty much borne out but the losses the Dems took this past fall, folks that were all for "O-beezy" couldn't bother to come out in the midterms. We have to be diligent with our vote and not just be out for the highprofile stuff.

This is just how I see it. Not falling for the okie doke from any politico, if I can help it.

Don't believe the hype and stay woke.

So I said .... 

@Tim I disagree with a lot of that... he said he would get us out of Iraq and we are darn near out (and this just in Bin Laden is dead) ...he told us we would go to war with Afghanistan and we did he said he would tackle health-care despite some graceless moments he did... yes Gitmo... is still open...but on day one he froze salaries and did things to get his administration on the right page..he has been more strategic and more transparent than any president I have "critically examined" in my lifetime and since I've been old enough to vote...he also signed into legislation to LRA Disarmament and Uganda Recovery Act no other President despite "all the record breaking things Baby Bush did for Africa" no one to date has dealt with POLICY when it came to Africa and there is more that wasn't promised that has been delivered and while he was never looking to change bicameral legislation methods he showed everybody what time it was when he made his decision and went into action on Libya and now of all those who said we should not participate in that...McCain is at the front of the line suggesting we increase our presence there and my list could go on as articulately as yours did :) but I got one eye open and one close 

...and btw I agree with you he's got no formidable challengers within the party or from the other party but I truly believe Black Folks (African Americans) will generally always have a better shake with the left and not the right and until given reason I will honestly be in lockstep with the left...the right is offering Bobby Gindal, Sarah and Mitt none will appoint a Black Supreme Court Justice...puhleaze (Bobby Gindal doesn't believe his state of Louisiana composed of 51% Women and 32% African American merits an African American or a Woman on its Board of Regents)

...I have needed every drop of unemployment I have received so thank God for the FEDERAL Extensions (President Obama and Congress)...

much Love Tim and everybody on the discourse...looking for more takers on what we will do to re elect President Barack Obama in the next 556 days...

Obama 2012 Blue Bumper Sticker

So the last thing I said was ...

I am solidly locked in because the time and energy for critical analysis and strategic electorate action is better served after the election where the real work begins. Not just his work, but my work as a voter who holds my elected leaders...hip (all of them) accountable to me and my family. I will always cast my lot with one who demonstrates the capacity to hear me, see me and feel me. I also understand the limitations of what can be accomplished from the office, but am solidly locked in to a President and a candidate who has demonstrated strategic action, intellectual prowess all practiced with the compassionate hand of practicality. Obama has already passed all of my tests with flying colors.

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