Saturday, July 29, 2017

Franklin Prayer Vlog #POTD Optimism 7 29

Franklin Prayer Vlog #POTD Optimism
Increase in me that Optimism that discovers my truest interest. Strengthen in me the resolution to perform what that Optimism dictates! ...And So It Is!
The Franklin Prayer
~Danna Kiel

"This joy that I have the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away" was the refrain we often heard from our elders in song. 
Optimism is a sustained unshakeable joy. It doesn't hinge on What's Happening or What's NOT Happening... 
Philippians 4:11-12 teaches For I have learned to be content in whatever state I find myself. I know how to be abased (so-called bottom) and I know how to be abound (so-called top) Everywhere ALL things I AM content. 
Contentment+Faith+Joy = Optimism.
 Sprinkle Optimism on EVERYTHING! #LetUsPray #MillionsPray #TheFranklinPrayers #DannaKiel #TheFranklin40 Order your copy today! The Link:

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