Thursday, January 19, 2012

Becoming a hollywood producer... (2 for 1)

Thursday, January 19th 2012....

Today is my Dad's Birthday ...


He turned 78 today...I think he looks amazing....

Yesterday....Wednesday January 18th, 2012 was my mother's birthday.

She would have been 71...God had a different plan...I celebrate that I am hers and she is still mine...

In the business of becoming a  producer, most days I only have time for the work itself which is at this stage calls, emails, more calls, more emails and never enough writing (my love). I also pitched a project to a friend yesterday that I am praying she will have time to be a part of...we will see.

I am a mother. Most of my time is spent providing for and taking care of Ali, my son; translation: Breakfast, lunch/snack, clean clothing (and bedding), discipline, daily talks and  lots of hugs and kisses.

I am graduate student so I spend the remaining time reading, writing and prioritizing the tasks of a Graduate student (BIG STRUGGLE).

Yesterday a friend's mother passed away. I paused and reflected on a life that I'd only met once. In that moment I was reminded to just keep going and doing because this life is about significance ...not broad fame or success.

She had neither of those in the way we think ("household name").  Success is our decision. It is de-facto.  I am sure she was already her own success.

She was more importantly significant to her son (Chaz Shepherd (my friend)) and to the lives of young women in Philadelphia where she had taught dance for quite some time.  She had also mentored those same young women whom she taught.

I was once again reminded that life is short and ever-changing and despite the sad news....Life is also ever-hopeful.

I have already decided on success.  I am living and working for significance.

write, produce and direct


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