Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Becoming a hollywood producer...

Becoming a Hollywood Producer...

           Day 16,053 of the journey....

                Tuesday January 3rd, 2012

I no longer write checks, but as I was writing this blog I was confronted with writing (well actually typing...) the correct year "2012".  While technology moves us quickly forward, there are things that never change. They stay in the same place.

For at least the first 2 - 3 weeks of any new year it is tough to remember to write whatever the actual new year this case "2012". As I worked on yesterday's blog I hit the same snag. I almost published with the wrong year.

We are all excited about the prospects of the new year...but can't quite break the old year's habit.  Well its January 3rd and it's fair to say we have a Grace period to get out of the old and into the new. I wanted to finish sizzle in the old year, but in the Grace period of the new year we finished it on Sunday, January 1st.

I believe Grace is where a lot of us live. However with hard work and honest intentions we still make our deadlines and finish lines...we even get out of the old year and into the new one...

write, produce and direct


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