Monday, January 30, 2012

Becoming a hollywood producer...

Day 15,725 of the Journey...(Desperate to Get It Right...) 

    Monday January 30th, 2012

I saw this today on Lionel Spearman's twitter feed which shows up on FB as well...under it was a credit to a Facebook "Like" page for Gusto and the text read...

"You are a perfectly acceptable human being right now, this minute. You are just as valid as any other human being, without changing a single thing about yourself. That doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to want to grow, evolve or improve yourself, or you can’t do better sometimes. It just means that right now this instant, you are worthy of your own self love. Even if it is hard to love yourself sometimes, or you’re struggling with some really difficult stuff in your life, you still deserve it. So be kind to yourself, be kind to others, and give the best version of yourself that you can give, but know that even in the tough times, you are still valid, worthy and deserving." ~ Gusto

All of that above was extraordinarily timely because even when I patch up the hole where FAITH leaks out, the bandages pop off the wound where self-worth spills out.

There's a trick in there.  I believe that we are not suppose to doubt our worth because of our FAITH that God knows what She is doing.  I think FAITH is the bandage for self-doubt.

that's the ticket...

Today there was a bit of a street fight. FAITH and self doubt were mixing it up on Adams Blvd between Arlington and 10th Ave., I got hit ...a few times...but I was not knocked out.

I am still Fighting...fighting with FAITH as my weapon...(you should too)

write, produce and direct

Danna Kiel

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