Monday, December 5, 2011

Becoming a hollywood producer...

Day 16,024 of the journey

Today was just frustrating...this current landscape of producing content and selling ideas moves literally at the speed of light.  Technology has created enough tools to assuage anybody's desires or needs of the work...the content.

I learned to color footage today. I re-strategized my workflow on some audio production and learned a new software that I had to integrate with another software I just learned back in August.

I am sick of learning new stuff...but the new stuff is never-ending.  Learning is therefore never-ending.

The "Love Patchwork" was stretched and and became frayed today.  I am blessed to have a patchwork ...but the dream is to be a patch and meet a patch.

Tomorrow we shoot...

We also start pulling graduate work out of the Grand Canyon it fell in...

write produce and direct

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