Monday, December 19, 2011

Becoming a hollywood producer...

Day 16,037 of the journey...(Sunday)

Today's intense in your pursuit...

I got closer to the finish line on the edit of the reel.   

I completed all of my mandatory assignments for my first Thesis Qualification class, but not without some “wrangling”. 
Our teacher observed that some of us were having difficulty meeting the deadlines for our class assignments.   She sent a generic, “this is what you will need to complete to pass the class” email to all of us.  

She then sent me the obligatory and my very own “get your shit together by Sunday …or else” email.  I got my “shit” together and before the stroke of midnight tonight (Sunday) I turned in all of my “mandatory” assignments.

Most of my peers would argue that a progressive or even a terminal degree for endeavors into the Entertainment Industry is not valuable to your success in our field ...our industry.  I would only say to anyone, do and participate in what will improve you.

write, produce and direct


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