Saturday, December 17, 2011

Becoming a hollywood producer...

Day 16,035 of the journey...

Today's lesson...persevere...that's it...

I held on. Even though the script for "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" (that I'd begun on Wednesday) felt  like the story that would never end, I knew it would and that I had to finish it.  I did.

The source for the script was not a PDF, but a txt document.  A "txt" document prints out tiny unless you copy and paste it into a word document. I did.  In that format it turns into 424 pages of script formatted "txt" aka "hot mess"...and I read it ... all of it.  I am admittedly a member of the "procrastinating bum" class, but I don't feel anything is gained when we shortcut the process.

It was so very long, but did not disappoint.  I soaked in my triumph and began reading Chris Rock and Ali Leroi's "Head of State" script which was to my surprise in many ways a modern retelling of "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington", what a coincidence...really a "God Wink".

I say "God Wink", because it gave me new insight into the writing process that feels like it will serve my current career path well.

I was inspired to press toward the mark of the higher calling....

write, produce and direct


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